When we left Denver, almost three years ago, we moved into a home we felt rushed to buy in Baltimore. It was the best option for us at the time, but it never was a home I was excited about. Forgive me for how ungrateful that sounds. I know that owning a home at all is a huge blessing, and for that, I was very grateful.
Not only was Baltimore completely different than Denver (in every way), the life changes and experiences that happened there were tumultuous at best. While we living our lives in that home for two years, we had my mother move in with us (a blessing), my brother and wife move in (challenging), and my father become very ill and pass away. Needless to say, if I had to use two or three words to describe my time in Baltimore, it would be sacrifice, family, and loss.
By the time my dad died, my husband and I were finished with living in Baltimore. We just wanted out, no matter where we ended up. So we began to look for a job for my husband outside of MD, and prayed that something would come up.
After several months, my husband interviewed for another university in GA, which would provide an opportunity for him to continue to work for his boss at the university in MD. And we were so grateful when he won the position. So grateful.
In October, we packed our things and moved to the south with some reservations about being away from four seasons and being further away from family on both sides, but we knew this was the right thing for us.
When we arrived, we were hopeful because we had found a school that we thought would be a great fit for our child. As a public school, it claimed to offer the same curriculum that other private schools offered and that was made available to us at his charter school in Baltimore. We were thrilled that we could be somewhere that we could get that kind of education for free.
But after a month or two, we realized that we had a made a big mistake. The curriculum only scarcely resembled the one he had in Baltimore, our child was unhappy, and we were stuck in a lease that couldn't afford us the opportunity to change his situation.
Over the course of a few weeks, we decided to search for a house, break our lease, and apply for a school that would be a good fit for our child. It's been a nail biting process deciding where to live, waiting for a response for our application, and trying to make sure that we make wise decisions both financially and for our family as a whole. It has also had its challenges with 3 offers, 2 rejections, another offer between an inspection on the original house we wanted with a firm answer that the first house really wasn't the right house no matter how hard we tried to fit a square peg into a round hole.
We are thrilled to say that we have found a house! Much farther than I expected to live, yet close enough that it isn't too far from where we want to be, and the house is one about which we are excited, because it not only gives us the room we need for my mother to live with us as she gets older and room for guests to visit, but would provide a large back yard for our family to enjoy, and gives us the opportunity to be wise financially (this house is even less expensive than the one we owned in Baltimore and the taxes are much lower too).
Yesterday was our inspection, which went so unbelievably well, I'm still pinching myself to see if I'm in a dream. We close in June, and we wish we could just be there now. That feeling is a feeling we haven't felt since buying our first house in Denver, which is confirmation for us that we are making the right and best decision for us right now.
I am so thankful that after so many years of being stretched and pulled and worn thin, we are seeing a bright and sunny path to follow. And while we understand that life isn't always meant to be easy, we are so grateful for the rest we feel like we can enjoy for now. I am so grateful that we are finally feeling at home.
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